Friday, August 15, 2008

Alhamduliilah...My Blog is Here

Assalamu'alikum to all Muslims
Peace to all

Allah hu akbar! Alhamduliilah.

I am excited that finally I am able to have my own blog. It never occured to me that I'll have one. I'm convinced that I am lacking in the technological advances of today as I've been busy fulfilling rights and responsibilites that befits a wife, a mother and a daughter. Now besides these roles that I have, I am now a student pursuing my Masters of Islamic Development Management at the School of Social Sciences in Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Of course credits ought to be given to Prof Syukri (he's the one responsible pushing us to have a blog), my fellowmate (Wan) who helped make this blog a reality and Brother Fahad (allowing me to use his laptop). This reminds me of one verse in Surah Al-Anbiya (21:7) which could also be found in Surah An-Nahl (16:43) that when translated bears the meaning "Ask those who are in the know if you do not know".
And that is a mantra of sort for me now. I'll ask around especially I'll seek those who are knowledgeable in the area that my knowledge is lacking in... and Alhamdulillah, I'll usually get the answer.

Well Islam is a very beautiful religion. The more I learn about it the more convinced I am of this conviction and the more quest to know and learn more. For those who love formulae, as I used to when I had to mathematical configurations during my student years as an "A" Levels candidate, Islam provides the formula to live this life and amongst the ones that I hold onto are found in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:286) and Surah Alam Nasyrah (94:5-6).
Time ... ticks and so Friday today is in its midst day... its time for me to fulfill my responsibility as a mom...So Insya Allah, till we meet again... Thank You Allah and Wassalamu'alaikum.


Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah and Syabas. Our quest for knowledge is never ending. Wishing you all the best in your endeavour.

Anonymous said...

nice work halaja. it is a simple blog yet I am pleased with it. your post is very motivating