Friday, September 12, 2008


Salam to one and all!

Alhamdulillah I am able to meet with Ramadhan again this year. Why am I saying this? Well in retrospect I know that there are lots of things that I realised a bit too late on how to make the most of the Ramadhan so I have made a personal resolve not to the same thing again. How is it going so far?

Not good at all at this juncture. Self relflection (muhasabah) is good and in deed it is very much encouraged that Muslims do it on a regular basis. It's the SWOT kind of thing that you do on you own. It is needed because you need to build your inner soul... the thing called the "heart" (qalb). So this is the best month to build your inner soul, the month of Ramadhan, the blessed month, the revered month, the month of a plenty, the month of multifold rewards but it may seem that I am letting it pass me by yet again for another year. Yup, excuses. You know the usual self justification of "my assignments, my duties, my roles, my badly in need of a rest and etc" somehow filters into your mind and before you know it YOU ARE DOWN!

The fast of a khusus al khusus.

I've heard that a plenty but never had I heard it the way I did this year that made me realise the significane of it. It's like receiving a tight slap on the face TO WAKE UP!!! I was a sceptic on the various labels or categories of fasting. I mean is there really such a classification? But praise to Allah, after listening about this year, the doubt has dissipated and with it come full conviction and an understanding like never before. It's like a WOW! Got to work hard, get committed and persevere to get that category of fasting.

Must get organised. Must find time to read more of the Quran.....

Till then, Wassalam.